Mineral Xploration Science
Our Xploration Science business unit serves the natural resources exploration sector. At Endeavour Scientifc we pride ourselves in helping our clients mitigate exploration risk through leveraging of public and proprietary geoscientific assets augmented by our distinctive capabilities. We provide a suite of geoscientific exploration targeting services to support our clients through out the entire exploration lifecycle right from tenure acquisition to greenfields exploration through to resource definition.
Our flagship geoscience service, Ore Explorer, is based on our exploration targeting engine. Our exploration targeting engine is an augmented intelligence system based on machine learning algorithms that is designed to produce drill ready targets from regional and non-proprietary datasets resulting in significant cost reduction and risk mitigation for mineral explorers operating in green fields and brown fields areas. To view pricing information and more detailed descriptions of outputs, click below to register for free and log into the privileged area.
The artificial metal machine (AMM) is a machine learning algorithm that leans on largely the same technology as ORE Explorer but is trained on completely different data sets and is geared for the detection of magmatic sulphides. Like ORE Explorer, AMM is designed to produce drill ready targets from regional and non-proprietary datasets resulting in significant cost reduction and risk mitigation for mineral explorers operating in green fields and brown fields areas. AMM is also a 3-Tier system available in low resolution, medium resolution and high resolution outputs depending on a combination of available data resolution and desired output resolution.
To provide a more complete solution, we provide ground geophysics exploration services to our clients as follow up activities to our AI targeting. These services include initial reconnaissance interpretation of geophysical data and initial prospectivity analysis which scales up to detailed 3D Geophysics models both from legacy and proprietary data. Our data acquisition capabilities include ground magnetics, ground gravity, induced polarization, frequency and time domain electromagnetics and audio frequency magnetotellurics.